Empowering Responsible Firearm Handling
Comprehensive Firearms Training Information
Find out all the steps to follow to obtain a firearms Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL), as well as an hunting licence.
The first thing to know is that there are THREE types of firearm classification in Canada:
1. Restricted: Handguns, such as Pistols and Revolvers, but also some rifles.
2. Non-Restricted: Most rifles and shotguns
3. Prohibited: Submachine guns, some handguns and some rifles. Prohibited weapons are STRICTLY PROHIBITED IN CANADA.
To BUY and/or OWN a firearm, you must first obtain a Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL)
To obtain your PAL, it is essential to take two mandatory courses, recognized across Canada:
After successfully completing these two courses, you must apply for your PAL, using RCMP Form 5592. In addition, in Quebec only, you will also need to attach the Sûreté du Québec's In-Person Filing form (SQ-3007) to your Form 5592, to send everything to the RCMP. You will find these forms by clicking on the button below.
Once you have obtained your PAL, in order to join a shooting club, you will need to take the Bill 9 course. DO NOT TAKE THIS COURSE before you have obtained your PPA or if you don't want to become a member of a shooting club. By visiting the FQT (Fédération Québécoise de Tir) website, you can register for one of the many courses offered by the FQT (www.fqtir.qc.ca).
If your interest in firearms does not extend to purchasing restricted firearms such as handguns, you will simply need to complete the requirements of the Non-restricted course. This will allow you to apply for your PAL and purchase an Non-restricted rifle. In addition, for those who want to hunt, participation in the hunting course (ICAF) is required. This course is done online and you must register on the Fédération des Chasseurs et Pêcheurs du Québec website (www.fedecp.com). If you do not have the Restricted classification on your PAL, you do NOT have to take the Law 9 course.
To access the forms required to request your PAL, click on the link below.
Understanding Firearms Types
What is Considered a Firearm?
What is Considered a Firearm?
A firearm, according to the Firearms Act and certain sections of Part III of the Criminal Code, is a barrelled weapon designed or adapted to discharge a shot, bullet, or other projectile at a muzzle velocity exceeding 152.4 m per second (500 feet per second) or at a muzzle energy exceeding 5.7 Joules.
Non-Restricted Firearms
Non-Restricted Firearms
- Non-restricted firearms include long guns, rifles, or shotguns with an overall length greater than 660mm (26 inches), or semi-automatic firearms discharging centerfire ammunition with a barrel length exceeding 470mm (18.5 inches).
- These firearms must be registered in Québec (SIAF) but do not require membership at an authorized shooting range for acquisition or transportation.
- Storage, transport, and display regulations are outlined in sections 5, 8, and 10 of the Storage, Display, Transportation, and Handling of Firearms by Individuals Regulations (SOR/98-209).
Restricted Firearms
Restricted Firearms
- Restricted firearms encompass handguns, pistols, revolvers, and certain semi-automatic firearms with specific barrel and overall length restrictions.
- Acquiring a restricted firearm requires possession of a PAL with "restricted" endorsement and membership in an approved shooting range.
- Québec mandates a Law 9 competency test for shooting range members, facilitating authorization for firearm transportation.
- Detailed regulations for storage, transport, and display are specified in sections 6, 9, and 11 of the Storage, Display, Transportation, and Handling of Firearms by Individuals Regulations (SOR/98-209).
Prohibited Firearms
Prohibited Firearms
- Prohibited firearms, as defined in section 84 of the Criminal Code, include specific handguns, automatic firearms, sawed-off shotguns, and others designated by order-in-council.
- Possession and acquisition are governed by paragraphs 12(2) to 12(7) of the Firearms Act and require grandfathering onto a PAL.
- Regulations for storage, transport, and display can be found in sections 7, 9, and 12 of the Storage, Display, Transportation, and Handling of Firearms by Individuals Regulations (SOR/98-209).